la journee d'un etudiant rwandais
lundi 15 juin 2015
is really touching as he stood for what he believed in till the end.
they might think they defeated him,by they i mean the American government,but they didn't .
the fact that his ideals are still heard and that his name now stands of the liberty of knowledge
is something he would have wanted.
i am no expert of the laws he tried to change or even his ideals but when you apply his overall philosophy to my previous post you start to realise that the censorship he was fighing comes in
many forms. When a school wraps the knowledge they give with layers of religions and absurd
laws,you just have to get up and speak.i spoke,i fought,and lost.i was silenced by layers of
administration a single voice can not handle.
The story of Aaron gave me hope ,it gave me the push in the back i needed.i might be alone in this
but when someone oppresses people ,karma will hit.
So how can a school charge fines just because students didn't attend prayers?question it ,try to go in its came with the belief that one religion is better than others.and by the fact that in the demand of education ,people will settle for every side condition.
its the same as buying drugs for headache knowing they have nausea as side effects.
This is not right .this is not something that can not change.
by this time i am writting this ,AUCA just took the fines for not attending their religious meeting to 3000rwf."on ne change pas la formule qui gagne".But time will come when people will get fed up and will react and stand up to injustice.
mercredi 11 février 2015
dimanche 11 janvier 2015
And here we are again, students of AUCA...people may think that I like doing this, FYI I don't .I should be studying right now as I have exams tomorrow. But I can't, why? I have to pay more than 40,000 rwf of fines, my crime? I didn't prayers.
By now some of you are like , whaaaat?
Or others are like"the only place where they fine you for such things is Iran, or on ISIS territories"
Oh no, we are in Rwanda.
Don't get me wrong tho, in Rwanda you are free to practice , or not , any religion.
But the Adventist University of Central Africa has other rules, you skip what they call week of prayer, which is 8 days and you pay 2000/day missed.
That's 16000rwf.yeah, fining people(university students) because they didn't attend prayers.
So how did I reach 40,000rwf?
Last semester, the Rwandan minister of education took things in his capable hands and the university got scared and didn't make students pay.but at that time , more than the half had already payed.
People, these fines can go up to 40,000,000 rwf ! And thats just an approximation, am sure they squeezes from they even declare that amount of money to the authorities? Probably not.
Ok, let me stop being egocentric. I will post numerous stories from AUCA students who are more than mad about this, and who really can't pay.
As of an End note,
cause that stand for liberty, liberty of expression, religion.
Which is being refused to us by AUCA.
mercredi 12 novembre 2014
mardi 23 octobre 2012
desolee de mon precedent blog incomplet,vous savez les conections,les coupures de courants,mais non je y'as rien de tel au rwanda,quoi que juste un voila... Je n'ai aucune excuse si ce ne que de l'inexperience.mais bon,ca vas en s'ammeriolant figurez vous,lol.alors voila,ca c'est mon premier blog,mais ca fait comme 4 ans que je prevoyais en cree un,naaan je decone.a 15,j'avais meme pas un e-mail.mais bon l'ai fait.soyez indulgents les amis.a bientont P.S:l'absence de ponctuation et les fotes d'orthographes sont volontaire,histoire de faire plus jeune...
AUCA,and whats worng with them....
So,here am back again with an incredible story about some of this Beautiful RWANDA unfairness.
Am a student at AUCA, a school I chose for its education level. That could be the start of a beautiful story. But no, at this moment I am filled with rage and not knowing what to do. In Rwanda we have the liberty of choosing our religion, so I thought. At AUCA it is compulsory to show up every Tuesday for what they call student meeting. You don't show up? Get your 2000rwf ready. I have to work to be able to pay my school fees, reason why I can't show up at those meeting. Here is the Millennium injustice part. AUCA also have what they call the week of prayers, you don't show up, 2000rwf /day. Seriously, how can you make people pay fines because they didn't pray? Will people come to pray or will they come for the fear of paying those fine?
Coming next....
How the Ministry of education got involved