mardi 23 octobre 2012

desolee de mon precedent blog incomplet,vous savez les conections,les coupures de courants,mais non je y'as rien de tel au rwanda,quoi que juste un voila... Je n'ai aucune excuse si ce ne que de l'inexperience.mais bon,ca vas en s'ammeriolant figurez vous,lol.alors voila,ca c'est mon premier blog,mais ca fait comme 4 ans que je prevoyais en cree un,naaan je decone.a 15,j'avais meme pas un e-mail.mais bon l'ai fait.soyez indulgents les amis.a bientont P.S:l'absence de ponctuation et les fotes d'orthographes sont volontaire,histoire de faire plus jeune...

AUCA,and whats worng with them....

So,here am back again with an incredible story about some of this Beautiful RWANDA unfairness.

Am a student at AUCA, a school I chose for its education level. That could be the start of a beautiful story. But no, at this moment I am filled with rage and not knowing what to do. In Rwanda we have the liberty of choosing our religion, so I thought. At AUCA it is  compulsory to show up every Tuesday for what they call student meeting. You don't show up? Get your 2000rwf ready. I have to work to be able to pay my school fees, reason why I can't show up at those meeting. Here is the Millennium injustice part. AUCA also have what they call the week of prayers, you don't show up, 2000rwf /day. Seriously, how can you make people pay fines because they didn't pray? Will people come to pray or will they come for the fear of paying those fine?

Coming next....
How the Ministry of education got involved